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  • A player in Titanfall 2 Breaks World Record for Gauntlet Run

    Hora: Oct. 9, 2019

    It's probably the craziest thing I've seen in Titanfall 2.

    If you played in Titanfall 2, you probably know the glove that the game presents to you in the first moments. This obstacle course will familiarize you with the mechanics of the game and ask you to kill several enemies as you progress through the game.

    Over the years since its publication, many members of the Titanfall 2 community have continued to fight to save as little time as possible for the course. There have been some impressive careers that I have seen over the years.

    As far as I know, there is a player who seems to run counter to all the logic in Titan's Fall 2 and be able to complete the challenge in 12 seconds. His game time is 11.7 seconds, which is the new world record for the obstacle course.

    According to this player, this is the sixth time they have surpassed their high scores on the court. Originally, the record was 14.0 seconds, but over time, they managed to demote it to this last milestone.

    I don't know how long it takes us to master the skill and experience of this player. Not sure I want to know. Personally, I don't think I could break the glove even in less than 35 seconds.

    If you are one of the millions who have not played Titanfall 2, rectify it. Go buy Titanfall 2 Origin CD Key right now on cdkoffers.com.

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